Monday, April 6, 2015

Literature Review

     The energy in our classroom during Language is amazing - the creativity is phenomenal and we're incredibly excited to write our mysteries! This week, we finished planning our stories. We've mapped them into 'chapters' and today we began to write. We'll continue writing throughout this week. Our goal is to finish our first draft before the long weekend!

     During our Reader's Workshop, we'll continue to dive deeper into the elements of fiction. Our class has been especially interested in the characters of our mentor text, 'Marsh Island'. We noticed that as the novel progressed, the characters were developed with specific traits that helped us to make predictions about what might happen next.

Students, please comment on a character, give a specific trait for that character, and share your predictions about what you thought would happen next.


Welcome to our Class Blog!

 We are so excited to share what we are learning about with our families! We will also post our class homework, important dates and information, announcements, and helpful links. I expect each student to check the class blog everyday for a list of assignments.

* Each student is required to post one comment per day.

Blog Rules:
1. Respect others.
2. Proofread your comments before posting them (Read them aloud if you have to).
3. Make sure you give credit to other people for their ideas.
4. Exercise good judgment.
5. Disagree respectfully. Don’t criticize or insult.

Happy blogging,

Mrs. Young